TDFF: Late Night TV Talk Show

First Written for The Reviews Hub


Created by: Cian Kinsella and Cormac Mohally

“The action packed talk show that’s all talk and no action”

Dublin’s Project Arts Centre are hosting the Late Night TV Talk Show as a part of the Tiger Dublin Fringe Festival. The audience are greeted as they enter the auditorium by a man dressed in a bright green priest’s robe who shakes hands and has a trade in dirty jokes. At the same time a man wearing a rabbit mask is acting as DJ, the decks stacked on top of an ironing board, nibbling on a raw carrot. This same carrot is later used as a weapon against a giant cat. This genre defying show takes the form of a one hour late night TV talk show; low budget entertainment from the talented but somewhat idiotic brothers Sean and Seamus, also known as The Lords of Strut. Cian Kinsella and Cormac Mohally play both characters and also a host of others who join them on stage. At one point they are joined by a tight leather trouser wearing Michael Flatley, a cat with blue fringing, and perhaps most magnificently their mother; who delivers slapstick and rude humour aplenty when pulling a member of the audience onto the stage.

The energy never dips as they embrace their dream of hosting their own show. Very quickly however everything starts to fall apart and go wrong; with hilarious consequences. They are acrobatic and talented dancers. Scenes of gymnastic proportions are peppered among the absurd and the thrilling set pieces. Music and coloured lighting are used throughout to add to the atmosphere and help ‘warm up’ the audience. Although jokes are made about the set the costumes have been specially designed to allow for maximum comedy. The laughs kept coming as the show progressed.

Kinsella and Mohally are fresh from a successful tour of Australia and Late Night TV Talk Show is their welcome return to the Tiger Dublin Fringe Festival. They began as street performers before going on to win the Street Performance World Championship in 2013. Go into the show with an open mind and allow yourself to be carried away by this one of a kind performance.

Warning: some audience participation required!

Runs Until 24 September as part of the Tiger Dublin Fringe Festival | Image: contributed

Review Overview

The Reviews Hub Score: 3.5*

High Octane